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Unitary instructions

Unitary instructions, commonly known as gates, define single-qubit or multi-qubit operations that change the state of a qubit register in a reversible and deterministic fashion. They include:

Note that a composition of gate modifiers acting on a named gate is itself a gate.

Grammar for unitary instructions

gate qubit-arguments





identifier parametersopt

( parameter-list )

parameter-list , parameter



qubit-argument-list , qubit-argument




Named gates

Named gates comprise particular unitary operations that have been given their own unique label, e.g., the Hadamard gate H or the controlled-not gate CNOT. In general, we simply refer to them as gates. All recognized (named) gates are listed in the standard gate set. Moreover, we use the term named gate to distinguish them from unitary operations consisting of compositions of gate modifiers acting on a named gate, i.e., modified gates. Named gates are, thus, unmodified gates and can simply be used on their own or modified (multiple times) through gate modifiers.

The general form of a named gate is given by the gate name followed by the (comma-separated list of) qubit operand(s), e.g., X q[0]:

gate qubit-arguments

A named gate can be parameterized. The general form of a parameterized gate is given by the gate name followed by its (comma-separated list of) parameter(s) that is enclosed in parentheses, which in turn is followed by the (comma-separated list of) qubit operand(s), e.g., CRk(2) q[0], q[1]:

gate(parameters) qubit-arguments

Note that the parameters, either single or a list of multiple parameters, appear within parentheses directly following the gate name. We distinguish between the parameters of a parameterized gate, in terms of number literals, and the qubit arguments that a (parameterized) gate acts on.

A few examples of gates are shown below.

// A single-qubit Hadamard gate
H q[0]

// A two-qubit controlled-Z gate (control: q[0], target: q[1])
CZ q[0], q[1]

// A parameterized single-qubit Rx gate (with π/2 rotation around the x-axis)
Rx(pi/2) q[0]

// A parametrized two-qubit controlled phase-shift gate (control: q[1], target: q[0])
CRk(2) q[1], q[0]

Standard gate set

Name Description Example statement
I Identity gate I q[0]
H Hadamard gate H q[0]
X Pauli-X X q[0]
X90 Rotation around the x-axis of \(\pi/2\) X90 q[0]
mX90 Rotation around the x-axis of \(-\pi/2\) mX90 q[0]
Y Pauli-Y Y q[0]
Y90 Rotation around the y-axis of \(\pi/2\) Y90 q[0]
mY90 Rotation around the y-axis of \(-\pi/2\) mY90 q[0]
Z Pauli-Z Z q[0]
S Phase gate S q[0]
Sdag S dagger gate Sdag q[0]
T T T q[0]
Tdag T dagger gate Tdag q[0]
Rx Arbitrary rotation around x-axis Rx(pi) q[0]
Ry Arbitrary rotation around y-axis Ry(pi) q[0]
Rz Arbitrary rotation around z-axis Rz(pi) q[0]
CNOT Controlled-NOT gate CNOT q[0], q[1]
CZ Controlled-Z, Controlled-Phase CZ q[0], q[1]
CR Controlled phase shift (arbitrary angle) CR(pi) q[0], q[1]
CRk Controlled phase shift (\(\pi/2^k\)) CRk(2) q[0], q[1]

Gate modifiers

A gate modifier is an operator Q that takes a gate as input and returns a modified gate as output (Q: gate → gate), i.e., it transforms an arbitrary unitary \(U\) into \(U'\), based on the particular modifier that is applied. We consider the following gate modifiers:

  • The inverse modifier inv, which modifies the gate \(U\) into \(U^\dagger\), e.g., inv.X q[0].
  • The power modifier pow, which raises the gate \(U\) to the specified power \(a\), i.e., \(U^a\), where \(a\) is a float, e.g., pow(pi/2).X q[0].
  • The control modifier ctrl, which changes the gate \(U\) into the controlled-\(U\) gate, e.g., ctrl.X q[0], q[1], where the control qubit is prepended to the list of qubit operands.

Since gate modifiers return gates, they can be applied in a nested manner, e.g., inv.pow(2).X, where a gate modifier inv is applied to the modified gate pow(2).X, which in turn resulted from applying the gate modifier pow(2) on the (named) gate X.

The current version of the language only allows gate modifiers to act on single-qubit gates.

inv.gate qubit-argument
pow(exponent).gate qubit-argument
ctrl.gate qubit-arguments

A few examples of gates are shown below.

// Inverse of X
inv.X q

// S gate implemented as a power of T
pow(2).T q

// CZ implemented as a controlled-Z
ctrl.Z q[0], q[1]

// Composition of gate modifiers (modifiers are applied from right to left)
ctrl.pow(1/2).inv.X q[0], q[1]

Notice that, inv and pow map an n-qubit gate to an n-qubit gate, and ctrl maps an n-qubit gate to a (n+1)-qubit gate.


The current version of the language does not support the use of gate modifiers on multi-qubit gates. For example, the following instructions are not supported:

  • inv.CRk(2) q[0], q[1], where the inverse modifier is applied to a two-qubit named gate.
  • inv.ctrl.X q[0], q[1], where the inverse modifier is applied to a two-qubit modified gate.

Considering the latter example, note that the following use of gate modifiers is permitted:

  • ctrl.inv.X q[0], q[1], since the inverse modifier is first applied to the single-qubit named gate X, resulting in a single-qubit modified gate, which only then is modified through the control modifier into a two-qubit modified gate.