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The Spin-2+ system developed by QuTech supports the following subset of the cQASM language:

  • Multiple line comments in /* … */ are supported.
  • Single line comments in // …, # …, /* …*/ are supported.
  • A program must start with version 3.0.
  • The version must be followed by a single declaration of the format qubit[1-4] <varname> or qubit <varname>, where the latter implies qubit[1] <varname>.
  • The only accepted gates/operations are (case sensitive!): configurable (currently, X90, mX90, Y90, mY90, Rz, CZ)
  • <varname> must be used to denote a qubit
  • The single-gate-multiple-qubit (SGMQ) notation is fully supported for single qubit gates
  • The SGMQ notation is not supported for two qubit gates.
  • The SGMQ notation results in a bundle resulting in a sequential list of gate operations.
  • All other libqasm 1.x language structures are not supported.
  • No prep_X and measure_X instructions are allowed, the lls will init all supported qubits before circuit execution and measure all in the z-basis at the end of the circuit and only return the subset as defined in the qubit register.
  • Bit register declaration statements, e.g., bit[<number-of-bits:INT>] <bit-register-name:ID> or bit <bit-name:ID>, are accepted and subsequently ignored.
  • Measure instruction statements assign outcomes to bit variables, e.g. <bit-name:BIT> = measure <qubit-argument:QUBIT>. These statements are accepted and subsequently ignored.