The QuTech Software Maturity Model (QSMM)

Version Control

  • Version control is like an unlimited ‘undo’.
  • Version control also allows many people to work in parallel.
  • Use git config with the --global option to configure a user name, email address, editor, and other preferences once per machine.
  • git init initializes a repository.
  • Git stores all of its repository data in the .git directory.
  • Use git from the command line for maximum control over workflows.
  • Using visual tools for some of the advanced Git workflows will increase productivity and reduce errors.

Basic Git Commands

  • git status shows the status of a repository.
  • Files can be stored in a project’s working directory (which users see), the staging area (where the next commit is being built up) and the local repository (where commits are permanently recorded).
  • git add puts files in the staging area.
  • git commit saves the staged content as a new commit in the local repository.
  • Write a commit message that accurately describes your changes.
  • git diff displays differences between commits.
  • git restore recovers old versions of files.
  • The .gitignore file is a text file that tells Git which files to track and which to ignore in the repository.
  • You can list specific files or folders to be ignored by Git, or you can include files that would normally be ignored.


  • Projects are GitLab’s primary entity of organization.
  • You can explore/search projects visible to you on the “Explore projects” page.
  • Groups can contain projects and other groups.
  • You can explore/search groups visible to you on the ”Explore groups” page.
  • Creating a GitLab project requires not more than a few clicks and providing a name.
  • A project’s visibility can be set to either private, internal, or public.
  • Adding others as members allows them to directly contribute to your projects
  • Members with sufficient rights can independently contribute to repositories

Advanced Git Commands

  • git clone copies a remote repository to create a local repository with a remote called origin automatically set up.
  • Conflicts occur when two or more people change the same lines of the same file.
  • The version control system does not allow people to overwrite each other’s changes blindly, but highlights conflicts so that they can be resolved.
  • A branch is one version of your project that can contain its own set of commits.
  • Feature branches enable us to develop / explore / test new code features without affecting the stable main code.
  • GitLab merge requests provide a structured process approach to Git branch merging

Python Virtual Environments

  • “Virtual environments keep Python versions and dependencies required by different projects separate.”
  • “A virtual environment is itself a directory structure.”
  • “Use venv to create and manage Python virtual environments.”
  • “Use pip to install and manage Python external (third-party) libraries.”
  • pip allows you to declare all dependencies for a project in a separate file (by convention called requirements.txt) which can be shared with collaborators/users and used to replicate a virtual environment.”
  • “Use python3 -m pip freeze > requirements.txt to take snapshot of your project’s dependencies.”
  • “Use python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt to replicate someone else’s virtual environment on your machine from the requirements.txt file.”

Clean Code
