
You can build the Emscripten binaries from the project's root directory. The generation of Emscripten binaries has been tested as a cross-compilation from an ubuntu/x64 platform.

conan build . -pr=conan/profiles/release-clang-emscripten-wasm -pr:b=conan/profiles/release -b missing

The output of this build lives in build/Release/emscripten:

  • cqasm_emscripten.js.
  • cqasm_emscripten.wasm.


cqasm_emscripten.js is an ES6 module. Its extension has to be renamed to .mjs before using it from Typescript code.

You can test the Emscripten binaries:

cd build/Release/emscripten
mv cqasm_emscripten.js cqasm_emscripten.mjs
cd ../../../emscripten
deno run -A test_libqasm.ts