
libQASM C++ API is defined in include/v3x/cqasm_python.hpp.

The only exported class is V3xAnalyzer. This is actually a C++ class that works as a binding for accessing C++ code from Python.

class V3xAnalyzer;

Main class for parsing and analyzing cQASM v3.0 files.

This class works as a binding for accessing C++ code from Python.

The parsing methods are static because they do not change the status of the analyzer. Instead, they just invoke free functions that create a temporary instance of a parser.

None of the parsing or the analyzing methods perform any version check.

parse_file, parse_string, analyze_file, and analyze_string:

  • Return a vector of strings. The first string is reserved for the CBOR serialization of the syntactic/semantic (in the case of parsing/analyzing) Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the input program. Any additional strings represent error messages. Notice that the AST and error messages will not be available at the same time.

parse_file_to_json, parse_string_to_json, analyze_file_to_json, and analyze_string_to_json:

  • Return a string in JSON format. If the parsing was successful, that string contains a JSON representation of the AST of the input program. Otherwise, it will contain a list of errors. The JSON representation of each error follows the Language Server Protocol (LSP) specification. Every error is mapped to an LSP Diagnostic structure: severity is hardcoded to 1 at the moment (value corresponding to an Error level).

parse_string, parse_string_to_json, analyze_string, andanalyze_string_to_json`:

  • have an optional second argument: file_name. It is only used when reporting errors.


auto result = analyze_file("grover.cq");
auto program = std::string{ R"(
    version 3.0
    qubit[2] q
    bit[2] b
    H q[0]
    CNOT q[0], q[1]
    b = measure q
)" };
auto result = parse_string_to_json(program, "bell.cq");

static std::vector<std::string> parse_file(const std::string& file_name);

Parses a file containing a cQASM v3.0 program.

static std::string parse_file_to_json(const std::string& file_name);

Parses a file containing a cQASM v3.0 program.

static std::vector<std::string> parse_string(const std::string& data, const std::string& file_name);

Parses a string containing a cQASM v3.0 program.

file_name is optional. It is only used when reporting errors.

static std::string parse_string_to_json(const std::string& data, const std::string& file_name);

Parses a string containing a cQASM v3.0 program.

file_name is optional. It is only used when reporting errors.

V3xAnalyzer(const std::string& max_version, bool without_defaults);

Creates a new cQASM v3.0 semantic analyzer.

max_version is optional. It has a default value of 3.0. The maximum cQASM version supported by the analyzer.

without_defaults is optional. If set, the default instruction set is not loaded into the instruction table, so you have to specify the entire instruction set using register_instruction(). Otherwise, those functions only add to the defaults.

The initial mappings and functions are not configurable. The defaults for these are always used.


Default destructor.

void register_instruction(const std::string& name, const std::optional<std::string>& param_types);

Registers an instruction type.

The param_types can be:

  • Q = qubit.

  • V = qubit array.

  • B = bit.

  • W = bit array.

  • i = int.

  • f = float.


register_instruction("H", "Q");

std::vector<std::string> analyze_file(const std::string& file_name);

Parses and analyzes a file containing a cQASM v3.0 program.

std::string analyze_file_to_json(const std::string& file_name);

Parses and analyzes a file containing a cQASM v3.0 program.

std::vector<std::string> analyze_string(const std::string& data, const std::string& file_name);

Parses and analyzes a string containing a cQASM v3.0 program.

file_name is optional. It is only used when reporting errors.

std::string analyze_string_to_json(const std::string& data, const std::string& file_name);

Parses and analyzes a string containing a cQASM v3.0 program.

file_name is optional. It is only used when reporting errors.