libQASM is also deployed as an Emscripten binary with a Typescript frontend.
libQASM Typescript API is defined in emscripten/emscripten_wrapper.hpp
The only exported class is EmscriptenWrapper
This is actually a C++ class that works as a binding for accessing C++ code from Typescript.
struct EmscriptenWrapper;
Main class for parsing and analyzing cQASM files.
This class works as a binding for accessing C++ code from Typescript.
import { default as wrapper } from 'cqasm_emscripten.mjs';
wrapper().then(function(result: any) {
let cqasm = new result["EmscriptenWrapper"]()
let program = ...
let output = cqasm.parse_string_to_json(program, ...)
}).catch((error: any) => {
console.error("unhandledRejection", error, "\n");
std::string get_version();
Returns the version of the libqasm
let version = cqasm.get_version()
std::string parse_string_to_json(const std::string& data, const std::string& file_name);
Parses a string containing a cQASM v3.0 program.
No version check is performed.
The file_name
is only used when reporting errors.
Returns a string. If the parsing was successful, the string contains a syntactic Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Otherwise, it will contain a list of errors. The JSON representation of each error follows the Language Server Protocol (LSP) specification. Every error is mapped to an LSP Diagnostic structure: severity
is hardcoded to 1 at the moment (value corresponding to an Error level).
let program = `
version 3
qubit[2] q
bit[2] b
H q[0]
CNOT q[0], q[1]
b = measure q
let output = parse_string_to_json(program, "bell.cq")
std::string analyze_string_to_json(const std::string& data, const std::string& file_name);
Parses and analyzes a string containing a cQASM v3.0 program.
No version check is performed.
The file_name
is only used when reporting errors.
Returns a string. If the parsing was successful, the string contains a semantic Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Otherwise, it will contain a list of errors. The JSON representation of each error follows the Language Server Protocol (LSP) specification. Every error is mapped to an LSP Diagnostic structure: severity
is hardcoded to 1 at the moment (value corresponding to an Error level).
let program = `
version 3
qubit[2] q
bit[2] b
H q[0]
CNOT q[0], q[1]
b = measure q
let output = analyze_string_to_json(program, "bell.cq")