qiskit_quantuminspire.mapping package


qiskit_quantuminspire.mapping.instruction_mapping module

class qiskit_quantuminspire.mapping.instruction_mapping.InstructionMapping(qiskit_to_os: dict[str, str] = {'barrier': 'barrier', 'ccx': 'toffoli', 'cp': 'CR', 'cx': 'CNOT', 'cz': 'CZ', 'delay': 'wait', 'h': 'H', 'id': 'I', 'measure': 'measure', 'reset': 'reset', 'rx': 'Rx', 'ry': 'Ry', 'rz': 'Rz', 's': 'S', 'sdg': 'Sdag', 'swap': 'SWAP', 't': 'T', 'tdg': 'Tdag', 'x': 'X', 'y': 'Y', 'z': 'Z'})[source]

Bases: object

opensquirrel_to_qiskit(instruction: str) str[source]

Translate an opensquirrel gate name to the equivalent Qiskit gate name.

qiskit_to_opensquirrel(instruction: str) str[source]

Translate a Qiskit gate name to the equivalent opensquirrel gate name.

supported_opensquirrel_instructions() list[str][source]

Return a list of all supported opensquirrel instructions.

supported_qiskit_instructions() list[str][source]

Return a list of all supported Qiskit instructions.

Module contents