Source code for qiskit_quantuminspire.api.settings

"""Module containing the handler for the Quantum Inspire persistent configuration."""

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Optional

from pydantic import BaseModel, BeforeValidator, Field, HttpUrl
from typing_extensions import Annotated

Url = Annotated[str, BeforeValidator(lambda value: str(HttpUrl(value)).rstrip("/"))]
API_SETTINGS_FILE = Path.joinpath(Path.home(), ".quantuminspire", "config.json")

[docs] class TokenInfo(BaseModel): """A pydantic model for storing all information regarding oauth access and refresh tokens.""" access_token: str expires_in: int # [s] refresh_token: str refresh_expires_in: Optional[int] = None # [s] generated_at: float = Field(default_factory=time.time) @property def access_expires_at(self) -> float: """Unix timestamp containing the time when the access token will expire.""" return self.generated_at + self.expires_in
[docs] class AuthSettings(BaseModel): """Pydantic model for storing all auth related settings for a given host.""" client_id: str code_challenge_method: str code_verifyer_length: int well_known_endpoint: Url tokens: Optional[TokenInfo] team_member_id: Optional[int]
[docs] class ApiSettings(BaseModel): """The settings class for the Quantum Inspire persistent configuration.""" auths: Dict[Url, AuthSettings] default_host: Url
[docs] def store_tokens(self, host: Url, tokens: TokenInfo, path: Path = API_SETTINGS_FILE) -> None: """Stores the team_member_id, access and refresh tokens in the config.json file. Args: host: The hostname of the API for which the tokens are intended. tokens: OAuth access and refresh tokens. path: The path to the config.json file. Defaults to API_SETTINGS_FILE. Returns: None """ self.auths[host].tokens = tokens path.write_text(self.model_dump_json(indent=2))
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_file(cls, path: Path = API_SETTINGS_FILE) -> ApiSettings: """Load the configuration from a file.""" if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("No configuration file found. Please connect to Quantum Inspire using the CLI.") api_settings = path.read_text() return ApiSettings.model_validate_json(api_settings)