Source code for qgym.utils.gate_encoder

"""This module contains the ``GateEncoder`` class which can be used for encoding gates
to integers and back.

    >>> from qgym.utils import GateEncoder
    >>> encoder = GateEncoder().learn_gates(["x", "y", "z", "cnot", "measure"])
    >>> encoded_list = encoder.encode_gates(["x", "x", "measure", "z"])
    >>> print(encoded_list)
    [1, 1, 5, 3]
    >>> encoder.decode_gates(encoded_list)
    ['x', 'x', 'measure', 'z']

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from import Iterable, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import Any, TypeVar, cast, overload

from qgym.custom_types import Gate

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs] class GateEncoder: """Learns a set of gates and creates a mapping to integers and back."""
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize the ``GateEncoder``.""" self.n_gates = 0 self._encoding_dct: dict[str, int] = {} self._decoding_dct: dict[int, str] = {} self._longest_name = 0
[docs] def learn_gates(self, gates: Iterable[str]) -> GateEncoder: """Learns the gates names from an ``Iterable`` and creates a mapping from unique gate names to integers and back. Args: gates: ``Iterable`` containing the names of the gates that should be learned. The ``Iterable`` can contain duplicate names. Returns: Self. """ self.n_gates = 0 for idx, gate_name in enumerate(gates, 1): if gate_name in self._encoding_dct: warnings.warn(f"'gates' contains multiple entries of {gate_name}") else: self._encoding_dct[gate_name] = idx self._decoding_dct[idx] = gate_name self._longest_name = max(self._longest_name, len(gate_name)) self.n_gates += 1 return self
@overload def encode_gates(self, gates: str) -> int: ... @overload def encode_gates(self, gates: Mapping[str, T]) -> dict[int, T]: ... @overload def encode_gates(self, gates: Sequence[Gate]) -> list[Gate]: ... @overload def encode_gates(self, gates: set[str]) -> set[int]: ... @overload def encode_gates(self, gates: list[str] | tuple[str, ...]) -> list[int]: ...
[docs] def encode_gates( self, gates: ( str | Mapping[str, Any] | Sequence[Gate] | set[str] | list[str] | tuple[str, ...] ), ) -> int | dict[int, Any] | list[Gate] | set[int] | list[int]: """Encode the gate names (of type ``str``) in `gates` to integers, based on the gates seen in ``learn_gates``. Args: gates: Gates to encode. The input type determines the return type. Raises: TypeError: When an unsupported type is given. Returns: Integer encoded version of gates. The output structure should resemble the input structure. So a ``Mapping`` will return a ``Dict``, while a single ``str`` will return an ``int``. """ if isinstance(gates, str): encoded_str = self._encoding_dct[gates] return encoded_str if isinstance(gates, Mapping): return self._encode_mapping(gates) if isinstance(gates, Sequence) and ( len(gates) == 0 or isinstance(gates[0], Gate) ): # We assume that if the first element of gates is a Gate, then the whole # Sequence contains Gate objects. encoded_gates_list: list[Gate] = [] for gate in gates: gate = cast(Gate, gate) encoded_name = self._encoding_dct[] encoded_gates_list.append(Gate(encoded_name, gate.q1, gate.q2)) return encoded_gates_list if isinstance(gates, set): encoded_names_set: set[int] = set() for gate_name in gates: gate_encoding = self._encoding_dct[gate_name] encoded_names_set.add(gate_encoding) return encoded_names_set if isinstance(gates, (list, tuple)): encoded_names_list: list[int] = [] for gate_name in gates: gate_encoding = self._encoding_dct[gate_name] encoded_names_list.append(gate_encoding) return encoded_names_list raise TypeError( f"gates type must be str, Mapping or Sequence, got {type(gates)}." )
def _encode_mapping(self, mapping: Mapping[str, Any]) -> dict[int, Any]: """Encode a mapping with gate names. Raises: ValueError: For unknown mappings. """ encoded_dict: dict[int, Any] = {} gate_name: str for gate_name, item in mapping.items(): gate_encoding = self._encoding_dct[gate_name] if isinstance(item, int): encoded_dict[gate_encoding] = item elif isinstance(item, Iterable): item_encoded = [] for i in item: item_encoded.append(self._encoding_dct[i]) encoded_dict[gate_encoding] = item_encoded else: raise ValueError("Unknown mapping") return encoded_dict @overload def decode_gates(self, encoded_gates: int) -> str: ... @overload def decode_gates(self, encoded_gates: Mapping[int, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: ... @overload def decode_gates(self, encoded_gates: Sequence[Gate]) -> list[Gate]: ... @overload def decode_gates(self, encoded_gates: set[int]) -> set[str]: ... @overload def decode_gates(self, encoded_gates: list[int] | tuple[int, ...]) -> list[str]: ...
[docs] def decode_gates( self, encoded_gates: ( int | Mapping[int, Any] | Sequence[Gate] | set[int] | list[int] | tuple[int, ...] ), ) -> str | dict[str, Any] | list[Gate] | set[str] | list[str]: """Decode integer encoded gate names to the original gate names based on the gates seen in ``learn_gates``. Args: encoded_gates: Encoded gates that are to be decoded. The input type determines the return type. Raises: TypeError: When an unsupported type is given Returns: Decoded version of encoded_gates. The output structure should resemble the input structure. So a ``Mapping`` will return a ``Dict``, while a single ``int`` will return a ``str``. """ if isinstance(encoded_gates, int): decoded_int = self._decoding_dct[encoded_gates] return decoded_int if isinstance(encoded_gates, Mapping): decoded_dict: dict[str, Any] = {} gate_int: int for gate_int in encoded_gates: gate_name = self._decoding_dct[gate_int] decoded_dict[gate_name] = encoded_gates[gate_int] return decoded_dict if isinstance(encoded_gates, Sequence) and isinstance(encoded_gates[0], Gate): # We assume that if the first element of encoded_gates is a Gate, then the # whole Sequence contains Gate objects. decoded_gate_list: list[Gate] = [] for gate in encoded_gates: gate = cast(Gate, gate) decoded_gate_name = self._decoding_dct[] decoded_gate_list.append(Gate(decoded_gate_name, gate.q1, gate.q2)) return decoded_gate_list if isinstance(encoded_gates, set): decoded_name_set: set[str] = set() for gate_int in encoded_gates: decoded_gate = self._decoding_dct[gate_int] decoded_name_set.add(decoded_gate) return decoded_name_set if isinstance(encoded_gates, (list, tuple)): decoded_name_list: list[str] = [] for gate_int in encoded_gates: decoded_gate = self._decoding_dct[gate_int] decoded_name_list.append(decoded_gate) return decoded_name_list raise TypeError( "encoded_gates must be int, Mapping or Sequence, got " f"{type(encoded_gates)}." )
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: """Make a string representation without endline characters.""" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(encoding={self._encoding_dct})"